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Quilting Awards

October 2018: One of my regular blog readers  recently asked me why I no longer exhibit, and I thought I'd answer that question here.


I started blogging in 2008 and released my first BOM that same year. As soon as I started blogging, my desire to exhibit quickly diminished. On top of that, I was frankly so busy and absorbed in my own work and my online Quilt Group that most quilt shows (and their deadlines) came and went before I'd realized it was 'that time of year again'. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the shows that had been but wasn't concerned that I wasn't attending them in person.

Now that I'm seeing many of my quilt patterns making it into shows worldwide (!!), my interest in actually attending quilt shows again is growing and who knows, I might see you at the next show in person.


Do stop and say hello if you see me, I love meeting friends when I'm out and about. 




American Quilter's Association - Paducah Quilt Show

Honorable Mention

‘Hearts Desire'




American Quilter's Association - Paducah Quilt Show

Juried In

‘Red Delicious’

'Dream Fountain'


The Quilt Show - Challenge 2011

2nd Place

‘Cherry Thieves'


Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

Runner up, Traditional - Mainly Applique

'Hearts Desire'



Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

1st Place Small Quilt Professional

‘Red Delicious’


Runner Up Open Art Quilt

‘Dream Fountain’


Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting Professional

‘Red Delicious’


Waverley Patchworker’s Inc

June Lyons Award

‘Dream Fountain’


The Quilters Guild of NSW Inc. Showcase

Third Place Mixed Techniques Professional

‘Sunshine & Shadow’


AQC Contestant – Juried In

‘Sunshine & Shadow’




Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

Best Original Design

‘Sunshine & Shadow’


Patchwork & Quilters Guild of Vic

Viewer’s Choice

‘Manor House’


American Quilter’s Association -Paducah Quilt Show

Juried In

‘Peony Pride’


Fantasy Challenge, AP&Q


'Dream Fountain'




Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

The Mettler Award Runner up to Best Of Show

‘Peony Pride’


1st Place Open Mixed Technique

‘Peony Pride’


Quilters Companion Award

Professional Domestic Machine Quilting

‘Peony Pride’


Victorian Quilters Singer Challenge

1st Place



The Quilters Guild of NSW Inc. Showcase

3rd place Mixed Technique—Professional

‘Waltzing Pinks’


Australian Machine Quilters Exhibition

Highly Commended

‘Manor House’


I Q A—Houston 2008 Show





Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

1st Place Open Mixed Technique



The Mettler Award Runner up to Best of Show



Runner up Open Art Quilt



American Quilter’s Association -Paducah Quilt Show

Juried in

'Bed Of Roses' & 'Number Two'


The Quilters Guild of NSW Inc. Showcase

1st Place Mixed Technique: Anything Goes—Professional



World Quilt Contest

Best Machine Workmanship Traditional

‘Number Two’




Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting-Professional

‘Number Two’


1st place Traditional—Professional

‘Number Two'


1st Place Singer Showcase Challenge “Our Common Wealth”

‘Our Land’


The Quilters Guild of NSW Inc. Showcase

2nd place Mixed Techniques—Professional

‘Bed Of Roses’


Quilters Companion Magazine Blocks for Breasts Competition

First Prize

'Hope Block'




Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

1st place Mixed Technique Quilt—Open

‘Bed Of Roses’


Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting Professional

‘Bed Of Roses’


Highly Commended to Best of Show

‘Bed Of Roses’


3rd place- Challenge



Patchwork & Quilters Guild Vic

1st place -Challenge

‘take nine patch’


2nd place Viewer’s Choice




Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

1st place Mixed Technique Quilt—Open



1st place Traditional Mainly Applique



Excellence in Machine Quilting Amateur



3rd place - Challenge

‘Flower in the Crannied Wall’



Victorian Quilters Inc. Showcase

2nd place Traditional Mainly Appliqué Amateur

'Blooming Blues'

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